Design Legend Speaker! Unobserved: Design and the Technological Future

The graphic design faculty at the Hite Art Institute would like to invite you to Louisville on Thursday, April 18, 6 pm for our inaugural Michael L. Power Visiting Scholar in Design lecture at the Speed Art Museum. [6p.m. reception; 6:45p.m. introductory comments; 7p.m. lecture]
Sharon Helmer Poggenpohl
Unobserved: Design and the Technological Future
Poggenpohl is one of the leading lights in late 20th Century and 21st Century design culture. For over 25 years, as editor and publisher of the influential journal Visible Language, she has been a major figure in guiding the approach of visual communication toward human-centered, socially responsive directions.
The talk is free, but you do need reserve a ticket to ensure seating. RSVP here.
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