IxDA Miami University

Our first organizational meeting for IxDA Miami is scheduled for March 29, 7 p.m. in 205 Laws Hall. Rikki Teeters will be presenting an overview of IxDA to discuss our new local group. I have invited students from both of my Usability classes to attend.
Interaction Design Association (IxDA) is a member-supported organization dedicated to the discipline of interaction design. Since its launch in 2003, IxDA has grown into a global network of more than 100,000 individuals and over 200 local groups, focusing on interaction design issues for the practitioner, no matter their level of experience.
Our local chapter, IxDA Miami University, will be comprised of students, staff, and community members: people who all share a love for Interaction & Experience Design. We will connect with professionals in other Ohio chapters (Cincinnati, Columbus, and Cleveland) and around the globe.
More about IxDA Miami on Facebook.
Contact Rikki Teeters with questions: teeterrl@miamioh.edu
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